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- ¹2 7!7.1.A.A
- ~3********* ~7CREEPS ENGINEERING~3 *********
- * *
- * The Buster of Creeps Engineering *
- * Wants Some More Cool Contacts To *
- * Swap 0-7 Days Stuff... If YOU *
- * Are Good Enough Then Write To : *
- * *
- * ~FPatrick Palm (Write This)~3 *
- * Stenkvistavagen 19e *
- * 633 57 Eskilstuna *
- * S W E D E N *
- * *
- * Disk(s) = 100 % Reply *
- * *
- * Call our HQ "Headbangers Ball" *
- * +46(0)16-124431 2400 ARQ/MNP *
- * Only Open 22:00-8:00 Cet !! *
- * SysOp:Headbanger CoSys:Guybrush *
- * Cosys: The Buster *
- * *
- ********* ~7CREEPS ENGINEERING~3 *********
- ¹2
- ~A !@#$%^&*()+|!@#$%^&*()+|!@#$%^&*()+|
- / \
- / VVanna c0ntact a real \
- / ~5* L A M E R * ~7crew ???~A \
- / \
- / If y0ur answer is YEAHHH, \
- / \
- / c0nnect LAMER CREW under: \
- / \
- / Budapest l39. \
- / Pf.: 39. \
- / l558 HUNGARY \
- / \
- / We d0n't climb the M0unt Everest,\
- / 'c0z we are the m0st lamerest !!!\
- / \
- #@!|+)(*&^%$#@!|+)(*&^%$#@!|+)(*&^%*
- ¹2
- ~7 /\ /\___ /\ /\__ /\__
- / / /\ \___ \ \/ \__ \ \__ \
- / / / / /\ / / /\ /\ \/ /\_ \/
- / \/ / / / / / / / / / /\ / _//\
- \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \
- \____/\______/\__/\______/\______/
- ~D Contact us - for any reason - at:
- ~E C R A Y O N E O F V O I C E
- T U V S T A R R V. 3 6
- 8 0 3 3 6 G A V L E
- S W E D E N
- AlSo FoR SuPpOrTiNg NoRdIc RePoRt!
- --------------------------------------
- ¹2
- ~C=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- -+= G R A C E =+-
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ~E
- --- COON-O OF GRACE ---
- - A-4650 LAMBACH -
- - >>>AUSTRIA<<< -
- I want FRIENDS, NOT just CONTACTS!!!
- --------------------------------------
- ~7 -+ FiANL iMPACT +-
- CALL NOW: +46-54-113486
- -+ FAST!!! WAREZ +-
- ¹2
- ~B /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\
- DeViLs - AlCoHoLiC 'n' PrOuD!
- \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/
- Try reaching the norwegian elite
- mail trader of DEVILS at the
- following address:
- Anders Haakens
- 2074 Eidsvoll Verk
- /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\
- We are also very interessed in new
- talented members of all kinds!
- \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/
- ¹2
- ~D --== C R E A M ==--
- ~9 For elite mail-trading write to:
- Firefly / CREAM
- Tibblevägen 29
- 740 30 Bjorklinge
- --------------------------------------
- ~D Short Greets To: Maniac/Proxima
- Powerslave/Amiga Empire P-Cu,
- Duplex/Phase Python Bandit/
- Alcor Pace/Conqeures-Krille-CP
- Starbyte Slammer/Rednex Mr:B/
- Abstract Mr:Psycho and all
- CREAM members + all forgotten!!
- --------------------------------------
- ¹2 7!8.1.A.A
- ~B - -- ---=> REBELS SHQ! <=--- -- -
- ~7 EQUiPOiSE
- ~8 Node 1: +46-8-550-80467
- Node 2: +46-8-550-87642
- Node 3: +46-8-550-84787
- ~7 A3000 - 25MHz - 450MB
- ~B - -- ---=> REBELS SHQ! <=--- -- -
- ~7- = = = N O X i O U S W H Q = = = - -
- ~4 NODE1: +46-54-113486
- NODE2: xxx-xx-xxxxxx
- ¹2
- ~E**************************************
- * * *
- * A * If you are looking for cool *
- * * new ELITE contact you have *
- * N * to try this: *
- * * ____________________________ *
- * T * *
- * * ~4Daddy Freddy / A N T H R O X~E *
- * H * *
- * * *
- * R * K u o r i l a n t i e 217 *
- * * *
- * O * 29310 K a a s m a r k k u *
- * * *
- * X * F I N L A N D *
- * * ____________________________ *
- * * *
- * ! * envelope including a disk *
- * * gives lotsa smaller risk... *
- **************************************
- ¹2
- ~8*************************************
- * *
- * Pay attention *
- * *
- * Do you want a def contact? *
- * Are you down with TECHNO? *
- * Do you dig pretty girls? *
- * Do you want to mail-swap? *
- * If you can answer YES to these *
- * questions, then write to: *
- * *
- * ProFile of Hurricane *
- * Kornvang 24 *
- * 6520 Toftlund, Denmark *
- * *
- *************************************
- ~7 Have ~6-YOU-~7 voted for issue #4????
- If not, send you votes NOW to:
- BjOrkhagsv.9
- S-654 61 Karlstad
- ¹2
- ~E**************************************
- * *
- * *
- * FoR eLiTe MaIl-TrAdInG tAkE a *
- * PeN aNd WrItE dOwN *
- * tHeSe FeW LiNeS: *
- * *
- * *
- * ~4 /V\ASSIVE of \/ANISH ~E *
- * *
- * Markus Scholz *
- * Friedrichstr.33 *
- * 7512 Rheinstetten 1 *
- * -Germany- *
- * *
- * *
- * *
- **************************************
- *** ***
- ** ~7What U'r waitin' 4 ?~E **
- *** ***
- **************************************
- ¹2 4!0.0.F
- ~4 -+ NoXiOuS +-~2
- Contact us - for any reason - at:
- ~4 C O R E O F N O X i O U S~2
- B J O R K H A G S V . 9
- 6 5 4 6 1 K A R L S T A D
- S W E D E N
- ~D Or call our fast board: FiNAL iMPACT
- ~4 +46-54-113486~1
- ¹